Nita Rongish


I’m Nita and I’m here to help you achieve your dreams as a professional sugar cookie artist & having your own successful business!

Nita Rongish
Cookie Entrepreneur

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Sugar cookies, how to learn this skilled trade, and build a profitable cookie business

Sugar cookies. Wow! Those are too pretty to eat. Mmm. Thick velvety texture. Oh my! That undeniable taste.

I’m talking about all those comments you’ll get when becoming a WeCookier artist.

Have you become a free member yet? Well, as soon as you do, you will learn all about sugar cookies.

Decorating sugar cookies. Is this for you?

You’ve been curious for some time. It’s been hard for you to make the decision to dive smack in the middle of something you know little about.

Truth is, you’ll never know unless you just jump in. No worries. I’ll be here each step of the way for you.

But is decorating sugar cookies for you? You know, those delightful artsy cookies with royal icing, glaze, buttercream, or fondant. Do you want to bring in extra income or change jobs completely? Hey, it’s not nearly as tough as you may think. It is actually quite simple and does not necessarily require months to get it off the ground.

How about having a seasoned expert take you by the hand to build that profitable sugar cookie business you've dreamed of?

How about making your own hours and setting your own pay?

That's exactly what is all about. You achieving your dreams as a professional sugar cookie artist and having your own successful business.

Ready to move on to a rewarding life of making people happy every day?

Let's go...

Mission Statement for the sugar cookie website,
Perfect undecorated sugar cookies. The beginnings of 'art with a cookiers heart'.Stage 1, undecorated sugar cookies
Sugar cookies with the base/flood coat on.Stage 2, cookies with base/flood coat
Finished, last stage, of fully decorated soccer balls.Stage 3, fully decorated sugar cookie

Hop with us on the WeCookier's cookie train for free.  Just tap on the train to see your gift and join as a free member. You will receive a monthly periodical too.

If you want to skip the reading, just pop in your email and first name in the signup box below the train. Then BAM! You're a WeCookier with a fabulous gift. offers you this:

Everything the cookie train says above, PLUS:

·         fabulous free sugar cookie recipes along with sugar cookie icing recipes, best glaze recipe, and best buttercream frosting for cookies (and Dreamy American Chocolate buttercream)

·         learn the tips and tricks for baking them

·    learn to decorate from beginner to the more advanced ‘pro’

Have you experienced scenarios like this?

1.       The icing on your cookies runs off the edges.

2.   You have craters in the dried decorated cookie.

3.   Colors are bleeding into each other.

I answer these problems and much more.

Remember, I’m here to help you succeed in this cookieing journey! 

Nita for quotes

"When I started sugar cookie decorating nearly a decade ago, there was no where to turn to learn the art. I was determined to become a pro so I could help others. That's why WeCookiers exist."

Decorating sugar cookies...your dream coming true

Simply put, you need to be paid as an artist. This is art. So price accordingly. I show you a simple formula for how to price for decorated sugar cookies too.

After having a firm grasp on decorating, the desire to start your own sugar cookie business will ‘flood’ the mind, whether it’s full-time or part-time.

I’ve spent the last 10 years being a professional cookier, along with selling thousands and thousands of decorated sugar cookies, quite literally.

100 year anniversary cookies for Hampton Inn. Image found on home page of sugar cookies.100 year anniversary for Hampton Inn, sugar cookies
Commissioned K-State cookies image found on home page of WeCookiers.comCookie order from Polytechnic of K-State
World renowned Pisces VI deep sea diving submarine banquet cookies. Image found on Home page of WeCookiers.com1,000 cookies for the global unveiling banquet for Pisces VI (the world's deepest diving submarine).

Believe me, there is nothing quite like making that first work of art and having someone hand you money for it. That one time will spur you on to more greatness.

As you journey with me, learn how to...

·         set up a cookie business (via home or brick-and-mortar)

·         promote that business in the early days

·         run a smooth business

·         promote your established business

·         deal with customers in awkward situations and more

***Sign up here for The We Cookiers Express monthly periodical for inside tips on how to grow your business!***

Who knows? You may want to branch out from decorating to hosting cookie classes and/or cookie parties. Those are so fun to host. They are very rewarding.

I’ll even provide downloads and videos for that!

One of WeCookiers birthday cookie parties for grade school childrenCookie party for 5 and 6-year-olds

I will be here every step of the way.

I share lots of sugar cookie techniques and sugar cookie decorating ideas. You will also glean insight from my cookie-decorating tips throughout this site.

Free downloads?

YES! I give you a generous amount throughout the pages. Yay for you!

Wait! Possible roadblocks in decorating sugar cookies as a business


Decorating sugar cookies is fabulously addicting, but...

...just when you thought this would be a cake cookie walk... there are some important factors to take into consideration.

For instance:

  • Are there cottage laws?
  • Is a commercial kitchen needed?
  • What about sales tax?
  • Are there tax liabilities?
  • Are there copyright laws?
Cottage Laws image found on home page of WeCookiers.comCottage laws image

Don’t let these items snatch your dream away.

Knowing answers to questions like these will ease your mind.

There are guidelines for help along the way.

I will have loads of information as well as answer important questions like these, though I'm no tax expert.

The image is of a Pinterest pin encouraging you to start your business for sugar cookies. WeCookiers will be there every step of the way!Pin for later reference!

Know also that sugar cookie-ing can be quite expensive. There’s simply no end to what neat gadgets to buy, whether they are just fun or will save some serious time in the kitchen.

You won’t need a lot to get started though, thankfully.

Just the basics, like a toothpick instead of an icing scribe tool/icing needle tool. Even using a napkin or paper towel on a smooth surface can take the place of a cookie turntable. There are lots of shortcuts!

A must is knowing the piping tips for cookies to use. There are 6 nozzles you will need. These will give you the ability to do practically anything. 

The longer you decorate sugar cookies the more tools you want. That also is addicting!

Added benefits of using for sugar cookies

Who loves watching cookie decorating videos?

Clipart of girl raising hand

I just saw your hand.

By happy chance, I make many video tutorials, and cookie decorating compilations that share my techniques. You will see how I decorate different shapes to give inspiration, even flipping traditional cookie cutters to make them into another these flips.

I am constantly adding videos of decorating, tutorials, comparisons, and reviews on products you may be considering purchasing.

That's my job, to steer you the right way and cut out the fluff.

Oh, and let’s not forget about all the pictures of finished decorated sugar cookies for more inspiration! Like these...

Kitty cookie. Decorated by water coloring with food gels.Love the kitty cookie? Pin it to save it for later.
inspiration of barnyard animal sugar cookies
Horse head cookies using a unicorn cutter. Flip cutters
Leopard print name on cookie plaque cutter at
Decorated Christmas bulb cookies. Found on home page at WeCookiers.

I am excited to have you aboard!

Come. Let’s get started on all the aspects of baking and decorating sugar cookies